Dongliang Xue received his PhD degrees in computer science from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2019. He is an associate researcher of computer science in the department of computer science and engineering, ShanghaiJiao Tong University since July in 2019. He was a system software engineer from July in 2013 to June in 2015 at Shanghai Dianji University. Between Jan
in 2013 and July in 2013, he was a system software engineer at Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his MS degree in 2013 from University of Science and Technology of China. His research is in the areas of In-Memory Computing, Cloud Computing, Non-Volatile Memory.[1] Dongliang Xue, Chao Li, Linpeng Huang, et al. "Adaptive Memory Fusion: Towards Transparent, Agile Integration of Persistent Memory", in HPCA 2018
[2] Dongliang Xue, LinpengHuang, Chao Li, et al. "Dapper: An Adaptive Manager for Large-Capacity Persistent Memory", in TC 2019
[3] Dongliang Xue, Linpeng Huang and Chentao Wu. "A Pure hardware-driven scheduler for enhancing bank-level parallelism in a persistent memory controller", in FGCS 2020